Retail Data Insights

Retail Sales

To fully understand consumer demand and product performance, retails sales are crucial. SCOPE CLX utilizes data from some of the top point-of-sale platforms across the industry to aggregate actual sales from retail locations nationwide. SCOPE CLX features the largest and most consistent retail data feeds helping users see real actionable insights.

CLX Features

  • Aggregated POS sales from Coreware, Celerant, Orchid POS, and AIM
  • 500+ retail locations
  • Consumer market trends
  • The most accurate data tagging in the industry
  • Geographic shipment data
  • Exportable Data


Want To Learn More

Schedule a Time to Demo CLX

Point of Sale Partners

Available Categories

CLX is currently available for firearms with optics and ammunition coming soon.


Segment and search products to make sure you are capturing the right results to help you properly compare and analyze trends.

Exportable Data

Download the CLX data and import into your business analytics platform to combine with additional data sources.

Comparing Your Business

Manufacturers and Distributors can upgrade to view their DLX data compared to the rest of the channel to understand their market share.

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